Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Bppsdmk, Jakarta -

Nomor : KM.

Sebagai realisasi dari kesepakatan G to G antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Jepang dalam kerangka IJEPA (Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement) yang telah ditandatangani di Jakarta pada tanggal 19 Mei 2008, maka Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Departemen Kesehatan RI membuka kesempatan bagi perawat Indonesia untuk bekerja sebagai Perawat (Kangoshi) di Jepang. Bagi perawat yang lulus seleksi (diharapkan 240 orang perawat) akan diberangkatkan ke Jepang pada bulan Agustus 2008 dengan masa kontrak kerja selama 3 tahun dengan starting salary sekitar 200.000-250.000 yen atau Rp 17,9 juta.

Persyaratan dan prosedur pendaftaran :
1. Perawat Indonesia, laki-laki dan wanita, usia 21 – 35 tahun, lulusan D-3 /S-1 Keperawatan tahun 2005 atau sebelumnya dengan pengalaman kerja di klinik/RS sebagai perawat min 2 tahun.
2. Berkas yang diperlukan (masukkan dalam 1 map berwarna merah) :
a. Fotocopy Ijazah dan transkrip nilai akademik yang sudah dilegalisir (bahasa Indonesia) dan yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris (dari institusi pendidikannya atau penterjemah resmi)
b. Fotocopy surat keterangan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun dalam bahasa Indonesia dan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris.
c. Fotocopy KTP, Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian/SKCK (asli), Kartu tanda pencari kerja/Kartu kuning (asli dan fotocopy yang dilegalisir oleh Disnakertrans).
d. Surat Ijin dari suami/istri/orangtua/wali yang diketahui oleh Ketua RW/Lurah/Kepala Desa.
e. Pasfoto terbaru latar belakang biru ukuran 3x4 cm = 4 lembar.
f. Good performance (bagi wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil, bagi pria tidak bertindik, dan baik pria maupun wanita tidak boleh bertato).
g. Mengisi formulir 5 di tempat pendaftaran.

3. Waktu dan tempat pendaftaran : 27 Mei s/d 3 Juni 2008 di Puspronakes LN Depkes RI, Jln.Wijaya Kusuma Raya 48, Cilandak Jakarta Selatan, tlp 021 75914747 pswt 115 dan 021 7691531
4. Uji kompetensi tanggal : 5 Juni 2008 di Puspronakes LN Depkes RI Jakarta, (bebas biaya/Gratis).
5. Pengumuman kelulusan uji kompetensi : 6 Juni 2008 dan akan diterbitkan Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) Keperawatan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris oleh Depkes RI.
6. Bagi yang lulus akan mengikuti test kesehatan / Medical Check Up tanggal 6-7 Juni 2008
7. Finalisasi nama peserta yang lulus seleksi Depkes RI : 8 Juni 2008, penyerahan berkas ke BNP2TKI tanggal 9 Juni 2008.
8. Prosedur seleksi selanjutnya akan dilaksanakan oleh BNP2TKI dan JICWELS (Japan International Corporation of Welfare Services) meliputi :
a. Tanggal 9-11 Juni 2008 :kelengkapan berkas administrasi meliputi persyaratan, keaslian dokumen, dan pemberitahuan jadual psiko test dan wawancara.
b. Tanggal 16-20 Juni 2008 : psikotest dan wawancara
c. Dilanjutkan dengan penyelesaian proses administrasi selanjutnya dan direncanakan dapat berangkat ke Jepang antara tanggal 3-9 Agustus 2008.

Sosialisasi program ini akan dilaksanakan oleh Depkes pada :
Tanggal 2 Juni 2008 jam 10.00 WIB di Puspronakes LN Depkes RI Jakarta, tlp 021-75914747 pswt 115.

Jakarta, 23 Mei 2008

Dr.Asjikin Iman H. Dachlan,MHA
NIP 140 174 584

(article copied from

Friday, May 23, 2008


Location: Iraq (Kurdistan)
Closing date: 30 Jun 2008

Job Description
Main Task of all Paramedics is tquickly respond tall medical emergencies.

1. Duties:
- Responding tall medical emergencies.
- Assist and plan the medical aspect for evacuations
- Actively perform medical Evacuations
- Assists MDs and support members of the medical team.

2. Roles and responsibilities:
- 24 hour observation of critical care patients.
- Arranging all medications tbe needed for evacuations.
- The Paramedic will be responsible for availability of medical equipment required in evacuations.
- Administration of medications and follow up of patients.
- Reporting and evaluating patients’ medical condition and vital signs on a regular basis, and coordinating with doctors.
- Basic maintenance of medical equipment, and reporting any technical problems that may arise.

3 Specifications/ Qualifications ( Must be Western Qualified):
Paramedic should have the scientific background, professional skills and clinical experience in the following medical aspects:
- Emergency Medical Services
- Disaster Preparedness
- Basic EKG Interpretation
- Pre-Hospital Pharmacology
- Basic Trauma Life Support
- Care of the Ventilated Patient
- Clinical Assessment Skills
- First Aid
- Insertion and Care of Central Lines
- Major Incident / Disaster Management
- Shock
- Stroke Management
- Suturing
- Tracheostomy Care

4. Other Skills:
- Communications
- Flexibility
- Motivating People
- Presentation Skills
- Research Methods
- E-Learning
- IT Skills
- Ability to work under preassure
- Teaching & Learning Strategies and Time Management skills

Vacancies Contact
All applicants must have Excellent English Skills and Western Recognized Qualifications. Please e-mail Covering Letter and Detailed CV to

Reference Code: RW_7ERJC6-23

Wednesday, May 21, 2008



New York, May 19 2008 7:00PM
Chronic conditions such as heart disease and stroke have taken over from infectious diseases as diarrhoea, HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis as the leading causes of death around the globe, the United Nations World Health Organization (<"">WHO) says in a new report.

Based on data collected from the 193 Member States of WHO, the annual report contains measures on 73 separate health indicators covering areas including mortality levels, availability of health-care workers and the prevalence of risk factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

"We are definitely seeing a trend towards fewer people dying of infectious diseases across the world," said Ties Boerma, Director of the WHO Department of Health Statistics and Informatics.

"We tend to associate developing countries with infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. But in more and more countries the chief causes of death are non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease and stroke."

This year's report highlights several key issues, including the relatively slow increase in life expectancy in Eastern Europe since 1950 when compared with the rest of the continent, the soaring cost of health care worldwide and the effect that has on the poor, and the vast imbalance between maternal mortality rates in rich and poor nations.
2008-05-19 00:00:00.000


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Friday, May 09, 2008

Clinical Mentor: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Medical Doctors

Clinical Mentor: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Medical Doctors

Clinton Foundation

Location: Indonesia (Papua Province)
Closing date: 02 Jun 2008

Job Description
Clinical Mentor - Indonesia

The Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) works with partner governments in more than sixty countries on five continents to help bring effective, high-quality HIV treatment and care to people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. Free antiretroviral (ARV) medication and patient care are now widely available in clinics throughout our programs. These local programs need highly experienced nurses, nurse practitioners, and medical doctors to mentor their colleagues in the identification of infected patients, the provision of comprehensive care including ART, and integration of HIV treatment into primary care. Assistance in the management of a busy, resource-poor clinic is also indispensable.

CHAI is looking for motivated nurses, nurse practitioners, and/or medical doctors with at least 3 years of clinical experience in HIV/AIDS treatment. Experience working in a developing country is also helpful. We are looking for clinicians who have expertise in both didactic and practical teaching, as well as those with the management skills necessary to help a clinic become more efficient, capable, and ultimately self-sustainable in its ability to handle an increasing volume of HIV-infected patients.

HIV treatment and free ARV medication is currently available in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Provincial Health Offices in Tanah Papua (consisting of Papua and Papua Barat provinces) plans to scale up HIV identification and treatment on the island with the aid of expert clinicians who can improve clinical education and system management in hospitals and clinics. CHAI is committed to assist with this goal by placing expert clinicians in strategic ART sites to educate staff, advise on efficient HIV clinical management, and improve VCT capacity and Home Based Care while enhancing sustainability.

The term of this contract is 6 months to one year.
* Note that Tanah Papua belongs to Indonesia and is located west of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Safety concerns in Papua are low and do not reflect security warnings associated with travel to PNG. Violent crime, civil unrest and political tension in Tanah Papua are minimal and should not be confused with the high rates of violence and opportunistic crime in PNG.

- Provide didactic and practical instruction on antiretroviral use and the identification of HIV exposed and infected children and adults
- Strengthen existing mentoring team in Jayapura (capital of Papua Province) and develop additional mentoring teams in other sites within TanahPapua
- Collaborate with CHAI Program Coordinator, provincial and district health offices and referral hospitals to create strategic plan(s) for a well
-coordinated, integrated HIV/AIDS response.
- Advocate and/or implement policies to scale up VCT at hospitals and community health centers (CHC) and improve Care & Treatment delivery
- Develop a robust internal referral network within hospitals (e.g. TB, in-patient wards, maternal-child health) and a referral network from CHC to hospitals
- Increase the appropriate use of PMTCT as well as solidify PMTCT protocol
- Provide analysis to CHAI country team of possible interventions to improve care systems- Provide technical expertise on organization of work and task shifting
- Implement monitoring & evaluation tools to assess clinic progress
- Create standard operating procedures

Skills Required:
- Strong knowledge of HIV/AIDS and at least 3 years of clinical HIV/AIDS experience
- Fluency in English; proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia is a plus
- Experience in teaching adult learners, case presentation skills and the use of powerpoint presentations
- Understanding of healthcare systems in resource-limited settings
- Excellent communication skills– both written and oral
- Proficiency with Microsoft office software, i.e. Word, Excel and Powerpoint
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Willingness to work in rural, low-resource settings
- Ability to work productively in a multi-cultural, international setting and to establish and maintain effective working relationships with counterparts in international agencies, local government bodies, non-governmental organizations, professional institutions and internal CHAI Team
- Respect for the political processes and protocols involved in foreign government programs

- MD, RN, Nurse practitioner or similar degree with at least 3 years experience in HIV clinical care- International work experience, preferably in HIV treatment
- Strong leadership skills
- Self-motivated – able to work well with minimal supervision
- Good team player
- Open to learning in addition to an eagerness and desire to help others learn

Vacancies Contact

Reference Code: RW_7ED66U-86

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